
The skip-device framework is available at, which can be checked out and tested with skip test once Skip is installed.


The SkipDevice module is a dual-platform Skip framework that provides access to device sensor data such as network reachability and location.

Network Reachability

You can check whether the device is currenly able to access the network with:

let isReachable: Bool = networkReachability.isNetworkReachable


In order to access the device’s photos or media library, you will need to declare the permissions in the app’s metadata.

On Android, the app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file will need to be edited to include:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />


You can request the current device location with:

let provider = LocationProvider()
let location: Location = try await provider.fetchCurrentLocation()
logger.log("latitude: \(location.latitude) longitude: \(location.longitude)")


In order to access the device’s location, you will need to declare the permissions in the app’s metadata.

On Android, the app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file will need to be edited to include:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

On iOS, you will need to add the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription key to your Darwin/AppName.xcconfig file:

INFOPLIST_KEY_NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription = "This app uses your location to …"


This project is a Swift Package Manager module that uses the Skip plugin to transpile Swift into Kotlin.

Building the module requires that Skip be installed using Homebrew with brew install skiptools/skip/skip. This will also install the necessary build prerequisites: Kotlin, Gradle, and the Android build tools.


The module can be tested using the standard swift test command or by running the test target for the macOS destination in Xcode, which will run the Swift tests as well as the transpiled Kotlin JUnit tests in the Robolectric Android simulation environment.

Parity testing can be performed with skip test, which will output a table of the test results for both platforms.