

Skip support for SwiftUI Localization on Android. Consult the SkipUI module for a complete list of supported SwiftUI.

The following example screens and source code is from SkipUI’s Showcase sample app LocalizationPlayground.swift

Android screenshot for Localization component (light mode) iPhone screenshot for Localization component (light mode) iPhone screenshot for Localization component (dark mode) Android screenshot for Localization component (dark mode)
import SwiftUI
import Foundation

struct DemoPreviewView : View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack(spacing: 16.0) {

struct LocalizationPlayground: View {
    @Environment(\.locale) var currentLocale

    /// The list of available localizations in the current bundle
    static let bundleLocalizations: [Locale] ={ Locale(identifier: $0) })

    var body: some View {
        List(Self.bundleLocalizations.sorted(by: { $0.identifier < $1.identifier }), id: \.self) { type in
            NavigationLink(type.localizedNavigationTitle, value: type)
        .navigationDestination(for: Locale.self) { locale in
            LocalizationPreview().environment(\.locale, locale)

struct LocalizationPreview: View {
    @Environment(\.locale) var currentLocale
    @State var date =

    func formatter(dateStyle: DateFormatter.Style, timeStyle: DateFormatter.Style) -> DateFormatter {
        let fmt = DateFormatter()
        fmt.dateStyle = dateStyle
        fmt.timeStyle = timeStyle
        fmt.locale = self.currentLocale
        return fmt

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Welcome", bundle: .module)
            Text(verbatim: currentLocale.localizedString(forLanguageCode: currentLocale.languageCode ?? currentLocale.identifier) ?? "")
            Text(verbatim: currentLocale.localizedString(forRegionCode: currentLocale.regionCode ?? currentLocale.identifier) ?? "")
            Text(verbatim: currentLocale.localizedString(forScriptCode: currentLocale.scriptCode ?? currentLocale.identifier) ?? "")


            Text(verbatim: formatter(dateStyle: .full, timeStyle: .short).string(from: date))
            Text(verbatim: formatter(dateStyle: .none, timeStyle: .full).string(from: date))

            Text(verbatim: formatter(dateStyle: .long, timeStyle: .none).string(from: date))
            Text(verbatim: formatter(dateStyle: .none, timeStyle: .long).string(from: date))

            Text(verbatim: formatter(dateStyle: .medium, timeStyle: .none).string(from: date))
            Text(verbatim: formatter(dateStyle: .none, timeStyle: .medium).string(from: date))

            Text(verbatim: formatter(dateStyle: .short, timeStyle: .none).string(from: date))
            Text(verbatim: formatter(dateStyle: .none, timeStyle: .short).string(from: date))

            DatePicker("", selection: $date)
        .navigationTitle(currentLocale.localizedString(forIdentifier: currentLocale.identifier) ?? "???")

extension Locale {
    /// The title of the language as the current locale language's name for the locale followed by the language name in the language itself. E.g., `French: français`
    var localizedNavigationTitle: String {
        (Locale.current.localizedString(forIdentifier: identifier) ?? "") + ": " + (localizedString(forIdentifier: identifier) ?? "")