Skip Indie Developer Program
Complete this form to join the Skip Indie Developer Program. You will be issued a 6-month license key for the Skip Xcode build plugin, which will need to be renewed bi-annually through this page. Your Skip license key will be associated with a single development host machine, whose identifier can be obtained with the terminal command skip hostid
once Skip is installed.
I hereby certify that I will use Skip only as an individual developer or as a member of an organization* consisting of up to two (2) members, and that the revenue† from any business related to my use of Skip did not exceed 30,000 USD in the previous calendar year and has not exceeded 30,000 USD in the current calendar year. I additionally certify that I will not use Skip in deploying more than one (1) closed-source app during the licensing period.
* An organization includes its parents, subsidiaries, and affiliated companies. In the event you or your organization no longer meet the Indie criteria, you must purchase a Skip Small Business or Skip Professional software license.
† Revenue is defined as all gross receipts of any entity for which you perform services using Skip, as well as the revenue of all parent, subsidiary, and affiliated entities.
In other words, you can use Skip for free for a single side project or startup of up to 2 members, until your side project or startup revenue reaches 30,000 USD.
See the license keys documentation and FAQ for more information.